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BLAZON (Wappen der Familie Kunz):
ARMS (Shield):
Geviertet, 1 und 4 in Blau zugewendeter aufgerichteter goldener Lowe, 2 un 3 in Gold von zwei sechsstrahligen silbernen Sternen begleiteter schwarzer Linksschrägbalken, belegt mit sechsstrahligem silbernen Stern.
CREST (Helmet):
MANTLE (Decken):
Not deScribed (Mantling is seldom deScribed and usually takes the Tinctures of the Shield)
None recorded (It is rare for the German Achievement to deScribe a Mottto)
Wappen der Bürger von Solothurn
Geviertet, 1 und 4 in Blau zugewendeter aufgerichteter goldener Lowe, 2 un 3 in Gold von zwei sechsstrahligen silbernen Sternen begleiteter schwarzer
Linksschrägbalken, belegt mit sechsstrahligem silbernen Stern. - (Means the Shield is quartered, & the 1st & 4th quarters of
the Shield are Blue & each has a Golden Lion upon them)
2 un 3 in Gold von zwei sechsstrahligen silbernen Sternen - (Means the 2nd & 3rd quarters of the Shield are Gold & each has 2
Silver Stars of 6 points upon them)
begleiteter schwarzer Linksschrägbalken, belegt mit sechsstrahligem silbernen Stern. - (Means a Black Diagonal Strip/Stripe
(going from the viewers top right to bottom left) goes between the 2 Silver Stars & it too has a Silver 6 pointed Star upon it)
Note: German heraldry breaks the "Tincture rule" most often, as it does here by "placing colour upon colour" - the Silver Stars upon the Golden quarters -
but it must be drawn exactly as deScribed by the Scribe.
Non - (Means no known Crest was deScribed to be affixed by the Torse (wreath of cloth with 6 twists,
alternating between the primary tinctures) together with the Mantling, to the Helmet, which is drawn in Profile with no Visor nor
Grilles or with the Visor closed - the kind used by a "Bürgerliche" (Esquire/Commoner/Citizen))
Bend/Stripe (Linksschrägbalken) - (Defense or protection)
Lion (Lowe) - (Courage)
Star-6Pt. (Stern-Sechsstrahligen) - (Divine quality from above - Old heraldic device, usually drawn like a "Star of David)
Argent (Silber=Silver) - (Peace and sincerity)
Azure (Blau=Blue) - (Loyalty and truth)
Or (Gold) - (Generosity)
Sable (Schwarz=Black) - (Constancy, sometimes grief)
Above Blazon (written description) only applies to large Emblazon (drawing).
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Depressing "Print Screen" then "Cntrl"-"C" will save the screen to the clipboard - "Cntrl"-"V" will then Paste it into
almost anything.